Here is my latest contribution to the podcast community.
If today was a pot, his name would be Jack.
Let me start off by telling you about my daily routine... well, I wake up, usually by a phone call from my wife, do my daily morning things, and then open google maps, and find a comic book shop, or borders/books a million/barnes and noble type place within walking distance. 2 miles is my limit... I will walk 2 miles one way, but if its 2.1, im stayin put... Anyways, today, I did my googling, and I did find a borders, but since i have been to one the past 2 days, I decided to go to the number 2 location on the map.... it was cleverly called "downtown books." You'll never guess what part of town it was in. Well, my friend Jose and i walked the 1.9 miles to the shop, and went inside. I milled around for a few minutes, looked at some drawing books, sci fi books, other novels, and then I turned the corner, and saw a sign leading to the 3rd floor titled "comics." Now this book store had about every book known to man, in nice used condition, for good prices, but it didnt look like the type of place that would have a good selection of comics. It looked more like a library from the 70s. Well, I took the two flights of stairs to the 3rd floor, and I entered the room with a posterboard and sharpie label reading "comics," and my wifes biggest fears came true. Most downtown comic shops concentrate mostly on new stock, and toys, and d&d type card games, cause thats where they can make the most money, and they simply dont have room for tons of boxes of back stock... so its hard to find a good selection of older books. Well today we hit the Jackpot of all Jackpots. From A-Z there was probably 300 boxes of comics, including around 25 just of superman titles. I went twice today, because once I got back, I had to bring a friend to someone would believe me of this wonderful heaven on earth. Anyways... next time youre in Milwaukee Wisconsin, and you have a few hours to dig around long boxes, stop over at Downtown Books.

Here are a few pics from the Detriot rock city show. Not much was happening there, except for the amazing number of people that turned up. We had a really fun show, and hope they did too. It started to snow towards the end of the night, and it was extrememly cold.... Hoopes and I walked down to borders, but it closed about 10 minutes before we got there, which was a bummer, but we found a tai place and had some good eats, so it was no problemo. Only one more week on our first run... this tour is flying by so far... cant wait to get to Chicago and hit up Graham Crackers Comics... our old pal danny is going to be there hangin out, and he promised to cart me around. YIPEE. anyways.... im going to subway, and you cant stop me, in fact, i probably will have already walked there, eaten, and walked back before you even read this. so there is NO way you can stop me... dont even try. okay. bye.
More of the cool kids
Bored, But Back in the USA!!!

Well, we went to Canada, and did some shows.... its always a treat to go there, because we dont get up that way very often. We went to Montreal, and the Ronto... thats what i call it, the Ronto (see unquotable quotes from the RK widget). If my cell phone worked, and the money was the same, I would love Canada, but the kids make the hassle worth the effort... but anyways, had some free time, so i made a Jim Lee-esque sketch of the ole man of steel (i am in no way comparing my talent to jim lee, it just looks like a drawing of his)... But were back in the USSR, i mean USA, and were finishing up the last half of the first leg of the rkmaesherwood trio of rock. I won 35 bucks tonight off of 2.25 in a casino, yippee.... okay, this blog got boring like 10 minutes ago, because its 230 in the morning... alright, goodnight.
Update on Vivid Sound
Our manager swiftly contacted the "dude" and used big words and legal jargon, and this was his response....
"We deeply and sincerely apologize. We did not intend to infringe in any way
whatsoever. The photos were merely placeholders until we prepared our
photos. They were in order to achieve a preview of the final product. In
fact, we are still adding and changing things. In fact, many of the people
working with us are fans of Jon and that is why his image was used, quite
randomly, actually. Fans of Relient K (and his work with Audio A) are
definitely among our friends and partners. We don't really intend for the
site to go public just yet. For those who have inquired, we bring to their
attention that these artists are not affiliated with us. We have removed the
image, as requested. Once again, we apologize and wish nothing but the best
for you and yours. May peace be with you.
Ps... buy a fender
"We deeply and sincerely apologize. We did not intend to infringe in any way
whatsoever. The photos were merely placeholders until we prepared our
photos. They were in order to achieve a preview of the final product. In
fact, we are still adding and changing things. In fact, many of the people
working with us are fans of Jon and that is why his image was used, quite
randomly, actually. Fans of Relient K (and his work with Audio A) are
definitely among our friends and partners. We don't really intend for the
site to go public just yet. For those who have inquired, we bring to their
attention that these artists are not affiliated with us. We have removed the
image, as requested. Once again, we apologize and wish nothing but the best
for you and yours. May peace be with you.
Ps... buy a fender
Someone is illegally using ME for promotion? How flattering...
So I'm sitting on the bus, after our show in Montreal, going through emails, and a nice dude asked me if I would recommend him the Vivid Sound guitar that I use, since I of course am endorsed by them... HEY WAIT A MINUTE!!! Not only would i not recommend using this guitar, which i dont endorse, i have never even heard of this company... not only that, but this phony dude photoshopped his companys logo on my Fender Strat, in the picture that he stole, to put on his site... what a phony... his myspace is
if youre a member, send him a message of love, but the kind of love where he feels dumb for getting caught being a big phony.
ps, i told him to take it down, so if you visit, and its not there anymore, i didnt make this up... okay bye.
if youre a member, send him a message of love, but the kind of love where he feels dumb for getting caught being a big phony.
ps, i told him to take it down, so if you visit, and its not there anymore, i didnt make this up... okay bye.
Pleased to meet you.
Eat your heart out, Rocky....

Well, the tour has officially started... We played our show in NYC yesterday to a sold out crowd, and it was really cool. Hoopes an i had a chance to walk around Manhattan a bit. We went to midtown comics, and got a slice of new yorks finest... It was kind of unfortunate that our first show was in NYC, because were still working some of the bugs out of our set, but for the most part, it was cool. Tonight we are in Philly, where Ethan and I went to the "rocky steps," thats what we told our cab driver... and spent about a half hour posing and framing each other like uber geeks and nerds from the 9th level or mordor. It was well worth it though, as we were able to see a lot of the city, including the liberty bell and independence hall.... I walked down to South Street earlier, and went to Atomic city comics, where they had the most beloved dollar boxes... my favorite... I had a great day. Also got to meet another schneck, believe it or not... i guess theyre not as uncommon in these parts, seeing as how there is a Schnecksville about an hour from here... who wouldnt want to live there? anyways... we are about to go on stage, so i need to go... til next time.
The Conan Show

Some of you may know that we played late night with conan obrien this past friday... we had a great time. We took an enormously long bus trip from Nashville to Manhattan, where we played the show, and immediately turned around and came back.... The weather was less than stellar, but the rain cleared up around 2, and we had a nice time. We did another photo shoot for (remember the infamous "blanket" photos) and did a few interviews as well... It was very cool getting the opportunity to play the show, as Conan is my favorite late night host, and it was really cool to see the show tape live. Today we are off to start rehearsals for the upcoming tour, which starts yet again, in NYC. Hope to see all of you guys on the road.
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