The thoughts and happenings of Jon Schneck. Read. Learn. Enjoy.
Have a tat for Hugh, Manitee...
If you didnt know already, the tour that we are currently on is called the "appetite for constrution" tour. I think thats french... We teamed up with with habitat for humanity for this tour, and a buck from everyones ticket goes straight to the organization. its pretty awesome. Today in Baton rouge we got to go out to a habitat house and work! it was pretty cool. we were installing hardy plank, which is basically like concrete siding for houses... its more durable than vinyl and holds up better than wood. let me tell you, we are pros. we only had to take down a few boards that we put up wrong, and by the end of the day, we had almost a whole side done... i know we werent super efficient, but we did our best, and got to use some sweet power tools. if youre not familar with the organization, you should check out the haps. its awesome.
ALL reviews on this webiste are strictly my opinion...However, The views and opinions of that which I am reviewing are not necessarily the views and/or opinions of myself, or groups I am affiliated with... Please dont base anything YOU do off of what I say. Please think for yourself. Learn. Enjoy.