
They Done Did It....

Well, in perfect LOST fashion, the writers have once again disproved a pretty good theory on the show. It seems like every time someone is close to figuring this show out, they throw in a kink in the brain chain. That is what I love and have always loved about this show though... Spoiler alert, too late youve already seen it.... Attached is a picture of Jacob, thanks to aisian dave... He is either Kris Kristofferson, or a dude that looks like Jacks dad... I think He is some sort of deity, and the reason the "others" needed ben was because he could talk to him. Now that locke has said he can hear him, Ben got mad that hes not the only one, and shot him... I think the people are of some sort of slow aging civilization that has to do with that giant foot that we saw last year... who the heck knows. stay tuned to find out, i guess....
