
New Guitars..

Check out the PRS website (link on sidebar) and have a look at the new models that were revealed at the 08 NAMM in Anaheim, ca... they all look sweet and some of the ones that really sparked my interest were the new big body arch top with a bigsby and the new baritone... tune it low and play it hard, or play some sweet rockabilly low style. good times. anyways, check them out, if you are a fan of the instruments, then you wont be disappointed, and if youre new to them, they will probably leave a good taste in your mouth. alright, thats enough plugging for now. have a good 'un.

peace, love, and new things...

Premier Guitar Magazine

My dad got my wife and i some magazine subscriptions for Christmas this year, and one of the mags i got is called "premier guitar." (ps mag subscriptions are cool gifts to give and get if youre in a pinch for an idea) I got the first issue in the mail today and to my surprise there was PRS on the cover talking about the new Mira (see video of jon foreman and i)... Its a cool article about an even cooler guitar... pick one up and check it out.

peace love and mags


The next generation of RK fans

I assume the person narrating this emailed me the link, and i thought it was funny so i thought i would post. that and i dont have much to talk about right now... unless you would like to hear me talk about cleaning my house and doing laundry... no? i didnt think so. stay tuned though, we are creeping closer to finding "the one" if you know what i mean. his name may even be neo.

enjoy the video, i sure did, its nice to see that OTHER people sit around and arrange our cds in chronological order... i was hoping i wasnt the only one...

peace love and new awesome fans


In case you missed it...

A 60 second wrap up of steve jobs 90 min speech at mac world... good stuff.

peace love and saving time


you mean its all free?

if i would have known they had graphic novels at the library, i would have joined up years ago. thats all im going to say about that. im not sure why they had them in the kids section though...

so yesterday i joined the nashville davidson county public library, edmonson branch. it was a good time all around. you can check out 25 books at a time for free. they must hope that all of these people are honest cause a crook could make out big time in a place like this. they also have movies and cds. these items are also free to check out for anyone at anytime. if people knew about this i think that blockbuster would not be as popular as it is right now. did i mention its free? anyways, am going to go back often so that i stay up on my reading of any kind of book that i want. this blog made no sense.

peace love and free books



in just the couple hours i have had this video posted i have gotten a ton of emails saying how much they enjoyed it, so thanks for checking it out. i wasnt aware that anyone still read my blog, but i guess you do. ill do my best to get some more vids up in the next few weeks. glad you liked it. see you soon.


Learning is phun

okay, well i said i was gonna post something that i have been meaning to do for a while, and i get emails quite often asking me to do this sort of thing, so i figured id do a video post on how to play a tune... i started with this one because i think its one of the most requested via email. i hope i didnt confuse more than i helped. alright, enjoy...

peace, love, and videos...


People who may put us out of business.

peace, love, and harmony (that actually fits)



Eyem Stil Hear

'Ello blogateers. Just a post to let you know that I am still alive and kickin it. I have been very busy in the past few weeks, not leaving me too much time to blog. We finished up the year strong, we had a great last show with dave, and it was a lot of fun to be able to send him off on such a good note and a fun time. I have some fun stuff planned for the next week or so in terms of blogging, i hope that you will stick around to see. I dont want to be specific in case i dont get around to it, and then you will call me fire pants. Anyways, i hope you are all having a great new year, i have already broken every single resolution that i made, and it is not even a week into the new year. i kind of feel like crap because of it, i guess i need dave to bet me a thousand dollars and i can pretty much do anything. maybe i will call him tomorrow... anyways, keep an eye out for some fun over here, and i will blog atcha later.

a few pics of daves last show, silly string and all...

please dont steal these w/out permission... courtesy of Ethan Luck. I mean it, if it see it on your avatar, you owe ethan a million bucks.

peace, love, and depressing realizations that one single new day on a calendar can not change you as a person as much as you would like it to, with a cherry on top.



Happy new year!

Happy new year from the Schneck house.

Jon, Lindsay, Scooter, and Sadie...

Have a great 08.

peace love and breaking resolutions...